Saturday, November 17, 2012

pranayama-yoga asanas(exercises)

(Illustrations of some asanas, postures, at the end of article)

Introduction:-Yoga is a great ancient system of physical and mental health. It originated in India thousands of years ago and has been spreading world over.
It has been developed in to the present Stage by the great sage Pathanjali maharshi who has found ashtangayoga and focussed it through out the world.
As there are thousands of asanas and Hundreds of pranayamas, which were found to be somewhat difficult to practice daily, some great swamijis and gurujis
have selected some of the asanas propounded by sri Pathanjali maharshi and conveyed
It to the public, in a compact manner for regular practice, by each and everybody keeping in view the time factor and fitness.
The research conducted by medical authorities on these limited pranayamas and yoga asanas
has been found to be very effective for keeping the health in good condition.
These pranayamas/asanas can be practiced by any body irrespective of cast, creed, and religion
for complete good health.
In this course there are 3 parts.thefirst part

deals with simple pranayamas the second is simple
Yoga asanas and the third part deals with
some what difficult asanas.
The first two parts can be practiced by all
without strain and though they are simple all
the benefits can be achieved effectively.
The asanas in the third part are bit complicated
and should be practiced by fully fit persons..

1,pranayama/yoga should be practiced 5 hours after taking food.

Morning hours are preferable after daily routine cleansing activities.
Can be done in evening also after a gap of 5 hours from lunch.
2. Select clean well ventilated peaceful place.
3, do not sit on floor. sit on a sheet, carpet or cloth which must be non
Conductor of electricity. if you cannot sit on ground sit in a chair keeping
your body, neck erect.
4.sit in padmasan,or sidhasan or vajrasan or sukhasan.sidhasan
is convenient and preferable.
do some warming up simple exercises explained in this article
for flexibility.
5if you feel fatigued in the course of doing pranayam yoga, relax
for some time and restart.
6. Pregnant women should avoid pranayam/ yoga and also ladies should
Avoid in periods days.

7, sit in an erect position keeping your spine, neck straight with ease.
8, practice, slowly with confidence and positive thinking without
haste. Avoid jerks, uneven postures
9, beginners should start slowly, increase duration, number of times.
day by day gradually assessing their strain and achieve number
of times prescribed, after getting confidence.
10, don’t do it when you are sick or suffering with acute pain.
11, avoid junk, fatty food. take plenty of water, sprouts,vegetable salads
12,inhale while raising and exhale while bending.
,1, PADMASANA:-sit with legs stretched in front of you, bend the
Left leg from the knee hold left foot and bring its heel upon the
Centre of the right thigh resting the foot on the right thigh.simmilarly
bend the right leg from the knee and holding the foot rest the
heel of the right foot on the left thigh. keep heels of the right feet pressed
against the lower region of of the novel. keep spine erect.(fig 1)
2, Vajraasan/;- sit on the floor bend from the knees in such a way that
the heels and soles touch the buttocks and the toes are stretched
back ward .the knees should be kept touching each other then rest
the palms of both the hands on knees.keep the spine erect.(fig2)
3, Sidha asana:-sit both legs stretched infront.bend the left leg from the knee
and keep the left heel under the perineum .then likewise bend the right leg and
press the heel above the rot of penis between the pubic bone.(fig 3)
4,-Sukh asana:-Stretch legs in, the right leg is folded from the knee and the
right sole is placed against the left thigh. Similarly the left leg is folded
at the knee and the left sole is placed against right thigh, the toes (fig 4)

being pulled up between the thighs and the calves with the help of hands

Those who cannot sit on the floor due to some knee problems
etc can sit in a chair .
Mudra(concentration posture) ./
After sitting in any convenient posture fold the index fingers

so that they touch the nails of thumbs ,straighten other 3 fingers
of each hand, place hands on the knees ,palms facing up.close the
Prana means air vital life force that we take in through breath.
yama means regulation /control of breath. In brief it is a process
of control of breath which is not fully possible in normal course.

The following pranayamas are simple and
Very usefull.
1,Bhastrika pranayam:-Sit in sukh asan or
Sidhasan, keep your hands on the knees in mudra
, breathe in with both the nostrils at a time deeply
and breath out slowly. do it for 2to 3 minutes
or 15 to 20 times.
Benefits. Supplies oxygen to the body expels
Carbondioxide.helps cure asthama, bhroncities
respiratory diseases.
2, Kapal bhati (pranayama):- Technique: Sit in comfortable
Position, legs folded (sukhasan) keeping the palms on the
knees. Breathe in normally and breathe out with force. In doing-
so abdominal area should be pulled in with a jerk synchronising

exhalation of air through nostrils with force. do it for 15 minutes

or 500 times. relax after doing 50 times or one minute. the
Number/duration should be increased slowly day by day without
any strain.beginers should start with 20times and increase daily.(fig6)
This is very important pranayam/exercise, which
activates pancreas
Gland and helps release insulin. it expels toxins from the
body. It exercises organs in abdominal area
like pancreas, kidneys liver, intestines, generates
heat in the body and expels all toxins thus
Cleans the body.rduces cholesterol levels, reduces
Weight activates lever, kidneys.
Persons with high bp and heart problems should
Do it slowly care fully assessing the problem
If acute problem is there you should avoid it. .

3. Anulom-vilom pranayam.Sit in convenient
Posture, close right nostril with right thumb
Inhale deeply through left nostril till the
lungs are filled in with air, close the left nostril
with middle and ring finger, openthe right
nostril and exhale fully slowly, then inhale
with right nostril exhale with left repeating
the same process. it completes one
15 to 30 rounds or 5 to 10minutes.
Relax whenever you feel tired.this is
Also called nadi-shodaka pranayama(fig 7). 95%oxygen to all nadies(veins)

of body. removes blockages in veins prevents
Heart attacks, controls blood pressure, cures
Migrane, prevents paralytic, brain strokes, cures

asthama improves eye sight. Very use full
4,Bhramari pranayam:-sit in sukhasan posture,
Close your ears with thumb fingers, close
eyes with middle fingers lightly, keep
pointing fingers on your fore head, inhale slowly
With both the nostrils, exhale making a buzzing
sound like bee with nose.dont open the
mouth. Repeat 3to 5times.
Benefits:-gives mental peace relaxes body
Controlling blood pressure, restlessness.
5, Chandrabedi pranayam:-sit in comfortable
position, inhale through left nostril, retain the
Breathe for few seconds and exhale through
right nostil.repeat the process for 5to 10
Benefits: it cools down the body, removes
Fatigue, advisable to practice in summer
6, Suryabedhi pranayam:-sit in comfortable
position, inhale through right nostril closing the
left, retain the breath for few seconds and
exhale through left nostril. repeat for 5to10
Benefits: increases body heat, usefullfor skin

Diseases, prevents cold. suitable for winter

7,Ujjai pranayam:-Sit in comfortable posture
Constrict your throat muscles, breath in through
both nostrils, making sound by throat ,retain the
Breathe in for few seconds and then exhale with
left nostril, closing the right nostril, releasing
constricted throat muscles slowly. repeat the
process for 10times.
Benefits: this is very help full for thyroid
Problems, tonsilities and throat related
8,Dhyana(meditation): After doing above
Pranayamas do meditation for 3to 10 minutes.
Sit in comfortable posture, observe your
natural breathing, incoming outgong, concentrate
on breathing only. cut outside thoughts.
Benefits: it relaxes the body.

(continued in part 2)

PART 2 . YOGA ASANAS(exercises)

Simple exercises for flexibility before starting
1, exercises with hands. a, sit in comfortable
position stretch your hands in front parallel

to chest close wrists bring together rotate
wrists roundly for 5times and in reverse

direction 5times keeping the hands stretched.
b,fold your hands keeping the fingers on
shoulders rotate both the hands roundly
touching elbows in each round .do 5times
repeat in reverse direction.
These exercises usefull for spondylities and shoulder
2, Exercises with legs.
A, sit legs stretched infront,move your feet
Up and down pulling as much as possible
For ten times.
B,rotate feet roundly from right to left
For 10 times and repeat in reverse direction.
C,keep legs stretched move fingers up and
Down for 10times
D, keep the legs stretched,move right leg
Parallel to hips come to normal position
.repeat the same with left leg.for5times.
ASANAS (yoga postures)
Asanas in standing position.
1, surya namaskars.there are 12 steps (postures).(fig 12)
1, stand in keep the hands near chest in
namaskar posture,
2, raiseboththe hands over the head inhale
slightly bend the head back.
3,bend the head ,body slowly exhaling place

hands by the side of feet,try to touch the
knees with fore head.
4,put the right leg back stretch without
touching knees to the ground, inhale

looking up .palms should be placed by the
side of feet.
5,put left leg back on par with right legraise
buttocks keeping balance on feet and palms exhale.
6,bend your knees liedown on stomach lift buttocks,
keep hands by the side of body.
7,raise your head,body up to abdomen inhale
with support of hand and look up.
8, risebuttocks with support of hands and feet exhale.

9,put right leg infront in between palms look up
Inhaling as in no 4.
10,bring left leg to front join with right leg
bend down the head exhaling.
11,stand up raise both the hands over head
inhale and bend back slightly.
12, bring your hands down exhaling
Come back to normal position with
namaskar mudra as in step 1
Benefits: surya namaskars help for complete
stretching of the body, activates many parts
of the body.very use full to reduce weigh t
keeps body can be done 1to 5times.
Caution. persons with high bp, heart problems,
Acute back pain should not do this.
2.TADASAN.Stand erect ,raise hands

interlocked keepon the head in reverse
and raise hands from the head in the same
position over the head .lift feet with support

of fingers. come back to normal position. inhale
while raising exhale coming back to normal
position. repeat for 10 times.
Benefits, good for heart, soulders, removes knee
Pains help growth of children.(fig5)
3. TRIKONA ASAN:-variation,1(fig 26)
Stand –keep the legs apart to the sides, raise hands up, inhale
Bend to the left touch left leg toe with the left hand bring
Right hand over the head exhale while bending. Come back to
normal position. Repeat same process bending towards
right leg. Do it for 10 times
variation,2,stand stretch legs to the sides
raise both the hands to shoulder level
inhale bend forward hold left feet with
right palm raise left head over the head
look uo towards palm exhale.come back
to normal position repeat same process
holding right fet with leftarm.
Variation 3.stand stretch legs to sides
Raise both the hands to shoulder level
Inhale bend forward keep right arm palms
On the floor in between, raise left hand
Straight over the head twist the palm

Exhale.come back to normal position
Repeat the process keeping left hand
Palm on the floor.
Benefits: removes fat deposited on the sides
Of abdomen, hips, legs reduces belly, controls weight.

4, Kati chakrasan: stand-keep legs apart, bring
both the hands in front of chest staigh
ten, inhale turn both hands towards right twist
as much as possible lookback ex hale.back to
normal turn the hands towards left repeat
same it for 5 to 10 times each side.
Benefits:helps to reduce fat by the side of
Abdomen and for free bowl movements.
Lying postures on abdomen side.
5,A, makarasan.variation 1, lie down on
Stomach touching ground keep the
Palms of both the hands one over the other
Keeping the head on the palms towards
One side relax with normal breathing.
This helps relaxation of entire body
B, makarasan variation 2: lie down on
Stomach raise head put the hands
Chin pushing he chin with palms move
Both legs up and down alternatively
Without raising knees, do it 10 times with
each leg.this canbe done lifting both the
legs at a time.
Benefits: helps cure spinal problems, spondylities
Asthama and removes knee pains.
6. BHUJANG ASAN:-variation 1,(fig 11)
Lie down on stomach, keep your hands by the side of your

body, lift theneck,head body up to the abdomen with the support
Of hands inhale while raising body, keep in that position for few
Seconds and come back to normal position exhaling. repeat for 15
variation 2.lie down –keep the legs apart,
raise the body as in variation1,and turning
the head to right look at right feetfrom the shoulders.
Comeback to normal position repeat the
Posture looking at left it for 3rounds.
Inhale while raising body exhale coming
Back to normal position.
Benefits: very use full asana for spinal
Problems, back ache spondylities, diabetes
And reduces abdominal fat
7, Shalab asana: variation 1.lie down on the stomach
lift right leg 40 degrees come down and repeat
With left leg alternatively for 5times.inhale
while raising leg exhale while coming down.
Variation2.lie down, lift left leg right hand
In front at a time keep for a while come
Back to normal.repeat raising right leg
Left hand at a time.3times each leg(fig 10)

Benefits: helps remove spine neck problems
Reduces fat in the stomach.
8 , DHANUR ASAN.(fig 16)
Lie down on stomach keep legs and hands along body
Hold ankles of each leg with hands, inhale, lift the head
Neck body and fold legs up to abdomen level holding legs

With hands resting the balance on lower abdomen, stay for a
While and come back to normal position exhaling.
Benefits: helpful for diabetes, obesity,cures indigestion
9. Markat asan.lie down on back, fold both the
legs puling towards thighs bend the folded legs
towards right knee, thighstouching the ground
without bending the body, stretch hands

to sides parallel to shoulders,turnthe head towards
left look at the left arm palm. back to normal position.
Repeat the same process turning folded leg it 5times each side.
Benefits: cures back ache, sciatica,reduces
Abdominal fat.
10. PAWAN MUKT ASAN:-(fig23)
Lie flat on back stretch legs in front, lift right leg and bend it
At the knee, inhale, interlock fingers of both hands, old the knee
And press the knee with hands and raise the head touch the knee
With fore head/chin exhale come back to normal position.
Repeat the process with left leg. in the end lift both the legs folded at a time hold knees with hands, press both the knees to chest raise head touch the knees with the head/chin. This completes one round
.repeat 3 rounds
benefits: it releases gas accumulated in
the stomach. reduces abdominal fat.
11. UTTAN PADASN:-(fig13)
Lie down on back, lift both the legs to 40degrees without
Raising body, hands head and remain in that position
For 30 seconds come back to normal position. Inhale
While raising legs and ex hale while coming down.
Repeat for 10times
Benefits: helps control diabetes.
12. NAUKA ASAN(fig24)
lie flat on back keep hands by the side
of body ,inhale lift legs and hands at a time
raise body resting the balance on waist and
buttocks, forming the shape of boat(nauka).exhale
come back to normal position slowly.
Repeat for 3times.
Benefits: stimulates digestive harmones, removes
Lethargy, tones up waist muscles
13.SETHU BANDANA ASANA.(fig8):lie down on back,

fold both legs bring them to hips, catch
the ankles of legs with hands, inhale raise
the trunk,body slowly, keep the head, shoulders
and feet on the ground supporting the
raised body with both the hands. keep
in the position for 15 to 20 seconds
.come back to normal position exhaling.
Repeat for 1to 3times.
Benefits: makes spine flexible, active.very
Usefull for back pain, relieves from respi-
ratory problems asthama.
14. Purva uttan padasan:lie down lift right
leg to 90 degrees, bring down repeat with
left alternatively for 19 times with each leg.
benefits: brings down fat reduces size of
belly,helpfull for diabetes.
15.Padavruttasan:lie down lift right leg 90
degrees, rotate roundly almost touching the
ground for 10 times.repeat in the reverse
direction same leg.back to normal position.
Lift right leg rotate as above in reverse
Order also for 10times.relax.
Benefits: very use full for reduction of weight
And loosing belly size.
16. Dwichakrasan(cycling):lie down lift
the legs rotate alternatively bending the knees
like it for 15 times with each leg
benefits: helps reduce fat,make the body slim
removes knee pains
do yoga nidra(relaxation)pose, for 5 minutes
after completing above asanas.
17. Yoga nidra (relaxation pose).(fig25)
This asan should be done after completion of all asanas.
Lie down flat on back –keep the legs hands stretched
By the side of the body. Keep every part of the body loose
relaxed, without any stiffness, close the eyes, cut all
external thoughts, concentrate on incoming out going natural
breath.visualse relaxation of every part of body.
Start from fingers of feet comes upward to head
Then spinal card and hands.
Now and then take one deep breath exhale slowly.
Keep in this position for 10 minutes.

This asan is very use full to remove stress and strain and
Helpful for any ailment
It removes stress, tiredness, controls blood
Pressure, prevents heart problems, rlaxes
Entire body.

Sitting asanas
18. Yoga mudra.(fig 15)
Variation 1: sit in sukhasan or vajrasan, keep the left arm
Palm on the stomach and right arm palm over the left arm palm,
breathe in and breathe out press the stomach with the palms in abdomen
area bend forward as for as possible. Come back to normal
Position. repeat same process for 10 times.
Variation2: sit in comfortable position, keep hands back of trunk
Holding the left hand wrist with right arm inhale and bend forward ex-
haling try to
touch the ground with fore head. Comeback to normal
position. repeat for 10 times
benefits:very use full for diabetes. activates
pancreas and lever reduces fat.
. Shasankasan:sit in vajrasan lift the
hands over the head bend back slightly
inhaling and bend forward head and hands
touching the ground. exhale.
benefits: relaxes the body and mind controls
high blood pressure.
20,USHTRASAN (camel pose)(fig14)
Sit in vajrasan; keep both the hands by the side of abdomen
Raise the body up to trunk, catch the right leg toe with right arm palm, left leg toe with left arm palm and push the trunk, body, abdomen area forward

Bend the neck backward straighten hands. Keep in the position
For 30 seconds. Come back to normal, repeat 3times.
It is counter posture for all bending postures and creates
flexibility in abdomen area.
Benefits: very usefull back aches, strengthens
Heart muscles, rejuvenates spine.
21.Paschimot asan(fig17)
Sit legs stretched in front keep heels and toes together,
Inhale raise your hands over the head bend forward exhaling
touch the fingers of the feet with fingers of palms
try to touch the knees with fore head without bending
Knees. come back to normal position. repeat 10 times.
Benifts: reduces excess fat, good for spine
Cures constipation, helpful to control diabetes.
22. Neck exercises.1, sit in comfortable
position, neck straight, turns the neck towards
right slowly, then toward left.3times each side.
2, bend the neck forward chin touching
the chest and bend back the head slowly
nearer to spine.3times.
3, bend the head slowly touch chin rotate
the head roundly from right side shoulder

to left and bring back to chin .repeat the
same process anti clock wise from left side.
Do it 3times from each side

4, sit comfortably neck straight bend the
head towards right keep it on right shoulder
come back turn head left keep it on left
shoulder. repeat 3times each side.
Benefit: helps prevent spondylities.neck pains
Strengthens neck muscles.
23. Eye exercises,-
1, blinking of eyes, sit comfortably, blink both
the eyes close tightly contracting eye
muscles with every bink, openeyes repeat
process for 10times with swift movements
Without strain.
2, vertical movements: move your eye balls
up and down slowly look-in up and down
as per eye movement.10times.
3, horizontal, move eye balls right to left
and left to right looking maximum area
in the sides.10times
4, rotation of eyes: move eye balls gently
Clock wise anti clockwise starting from
straight position.d o 3 rounds.
In all the above exercises head neck
Should not be moved.
Palming eyes. rub your palms against
Each other and cover your with rubbed
Palms for few seconds and massage face
With palms.
Benefits: these exercises improve eye
Sight and helpful to those who sit
with computers for a long time particularly.
The pranayamas,yoga asanas mentioned in
Part1 and 2are sufficient for keeping the body
Healthy. these are applicable to all age groups
Cover all ailments.thogh they are simple,
Strain less they are very effective and can be
Done daily in just about an hour. It’s a good
Package usefull to everybody.

These asanas are a bit difficult .There fore to be practiced
by healthy ,fully fit persons with caution.

1. Sarvang asan(fig 18).lie down on back arms straight
Along body,fold legs,put weight on palms,lift the
Legs 90 degrees slowly,inhale raise trunk putting
Weight on shoulders,hands maintain the balance
Taking support of shoulders ,hands kept at theback
Of abdomin .straighten body keep the chin touching
Chest exhale.stay in that position for 3 minutes.come back
Gently to normal position in the same order.relax.

Benefits:increases blood circulation to brain,impoves
Memory,cures thyroid problems,controls diabetes.
Caution: persons suffering with hypertension,heart
Problems should not do this asan.
2. Halasan(fig21)lie flat on back with arms stretched to sides
Inhale lift the legs resting palms firmly.on the
Floor,lift the waist up resting weighton arms ,as in.
Sarvang asan,take legs back over the head
And touc floor with toes.both legs should be
Stretched without bending.keep normal
Brathing,bring back the legs to normal
Position slowly, relax repeat 3times.
Benefits: good for functioning of lever, kidneys
Pancreas. spinal nerves atr toned up very
Usefull for diabetes.
3. Chakrasanfig19)lie flat on back ,lift arms, bring
Them back, place the palms face down upon
The floor, place feet on the floor, liftthe entire
Body balancing weight on hands and toes, lifting
The head, hands down stretch chest and stomach
as much as possible. stay in this asan for
2minutes.come back to normal position relax
benefits: activates nervous sys tem,reduces
fat and back pain.
4. Ardha mtsyendra asan(fig20). Sit legs stretched infront, bend right leg at knee place the

Sole of the right foot against inner side of the left thigh, bend
left knee, place left foot on the outside of right thigh
near right knee, raise right arm up inhaling and stretch the
shoulders, exhale twisting waist to left and bring right arm to the
out side of left knee. try to catch left leg toe with right hand

take left hand to the back and try to touch the right thigh as
for as possible, turn to left stay there for 30 seconds, with
normal breathing come to normal position. Repeat same process
with left it 3times with each leg..
benefits: activates pancreas, lever,kidneys.very
useful for control of diabetes.
5, Gomukha asan(fig 22)sit legs stretched, bend left
leg at the knee place it near right buttock
, bend right knee place right leg over the
left, both the knees should be on top of
the other. the sole of the right foot should be

near left buttock, take right arm to back
from above the right shoulder and left hand
under the left armpit. hold fingers up one
hand with the help of rightarm.look straight
, normal breathing. repeat the process with right
arm and leg. Repeat for 2times.
Benefits: cures, back ahe, neck pain sciatica
Hernia, hydrocel and removes stiffness

of shoulders.
Yoga nidra or corpse pose must be done
for 10 minutes after doing all the asanas
for complete relaxation of body.

YOGA POSTURES(continued)
Click required posture

Monday, December 24, 2007

yoga postures/f

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sunday, March 25, 2012


required illustrations at the end